Due date scan


Due date scan

The due date scan is usually the first ultrasound scan in pregnancy. Ideally it is made between 10 weeks and 3 days and 11 weeks and 6 days to determine the gestational age of the embryo and set the due date. We will also look for a heartbeat and check if there is one embryo or maybe more. If you want his scan can be made earlier in pregnancy, it has to be done internally. If you would like to have an external scan, please book the scan after 10 weeks and 3 days.

Your midwife will send us a referral for this scan so the insurance will cover it. The insurance will only pay for one due date scan.

Our sonographers need to concentrate themselves in order to make a good medical scan. Therefor it’s not allowed to bring children to your medical scan.



If you opt for the NIPT test during pregnancy, it is important to have the due date scan performed. The due date that is determined at this ultrasound must be known before the NIPT can be performed.

You will receive detailed information about the NIPT from your obstetrician.

You can also find information via the link below.

