Hormon free IUD (copper IUD)


Hormone free IUD (copper IUD)

The copper IUD (T-Safe of Flexi-T) is a small ‘T-shaped’ plastic and copper device. The IUD constantly releases a small amount of copper into the uterus (womb) which paralyzes spermcells and prevents fertilisation. The copper IUD can also be used for emergency contraception instead of the emergency contraceptive pill (‘morning after pill’) if inserted within five days of unprotected intercourse. The copper IUD will make the lining of the uterus unfit for implantation of a fertilized embryo.

The T-Safe copper IUD is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy and is registered for use up to 10 years. The Flexi-T is save for 5 years. Of course you can also have the IUD for a shorter period, for example between two pregnancies.

Once you have chosen the copper-IUD as your IUD, we will order it from the online pharmacy. You will receive a digital invoice by email. If you pay this invoice, the IUD will be sent to Echo Amsterdam and will be ready for you when you come to us for insertion. Do not forget to pay at least one week before your appointment, otherwise the IUD will not be delivered on time.

Check with your health insurance as some will cover the cost of your IUD. If not covered the T-save will cost €80,-, the Flexi-T €60. Click here for the patient-folder.